Welcome to the website of Gödöllő Airport!
The website of Gödöllő Airport and its operator, the Sky-Escort Flying Club. We hope you have a pleasant browsing experience!Aerial traffic* in the vicinity of Gödöllő airfield
With the help of the PilotNet system developed by a partner of the Gödöllő airport, the current air traffic near the airport can be seen. The traffic visible to the system includes:
- Pilots using the free PilotNet application
- Aircrafts equipped with "OGN" transmitter
- Aircraft equipped with "FLARM" transmitter,
- Aircraft equipped with "ADS-B Out" device,
- Pilots using the SafeSky application
To ensure visibility, it is recommended to use at least one of the above systems.
We highly recommend using the application for pilots of aircraft who do not have a radio or transponder. While using the application, the user's phone can act as a "transponder," making the pilot visible to other system-using pilots in the vicinity of the airport. The use of the application and system is free!
We highly recommend using the application for pilots of aircraft who do not have a radio or transponder. While using the application, the user's phone can act as a "transponder," making the pilot visible to other system-using pilots in the vicinity of the airport. The use of the application and system is free!